journal entry

Nature Abhors a Vaccum

“The Rose and the Butterfly” Aesop’s fable features a unique portrayal of the law of attraction and manifestation methods. The failure of the two being’s to embody their desires acts as a disruptor to their love, alternatively, an obstruction to what they desire most—each other. 

The fable is only a page long if you’d like to read it yourself (link to fable), but in summary: a butterfly and a rose fall in love. The butterfly is accused of cheating on the rose while visiting other flowers, and the butterfly states it should not be accused of such things when the rose made eyes at every bug it could see. The butterfly then states one should not expect constancy in others when you have none yourself. 

In my reflection of this fable, I began to study my past relationships, specifically those that felt karmic in nature. In all of these relationships, I was not treated the way I wanted to be treated. It was then I realized all the people I’ve had these relationships with are no longer present in my life. I can only discuss these instances in past tense. This leads me to believe in continuing to nurture my relationships and presenting myself as the friend I’d want to have, not only will I be nurtured in return, those who are not capable of reciprocating my desires will be removed from my life as an inevitable result of my care. Failure to embody your desires acts as obstruction to what you desire. This is the same reason acting as the embodiment of your desires will act as a magnetism to the things you desire most.

The second law of attraction states nature abhors a vacuum: Everything that happens in your life is a result of the energy you put out in the world. I believe recognizing this is how we can begin to view failure as a gift as opposed to a threat. Loss and destruction give you the freedom to move closer to what you truly want. By confronting these things, you confront your truest desires. This confrontation is what gives you freedom to fall in love with your butterfly and the butterfly to fall in love with its rose.

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