I watched Paris is Burning and my world made sense. It perfectly exemplifies how race, class, gender, and sexuality work together to create a culture. I understand that my blackness is rich, deep and historical. We are interdimensional, interconnected beings personified through art, and our art births generations. It gave…
Literary Catharsis
Oftentimes writing is a form of catharsis for me, so sometimes I don’t know exactly what I mean when I write, because I just write what I feel. That’s not to say my writing is meaningless, that’s far from the truth. It’s moreso that I don’t know the meaning until…
Nature Abhors a Vaccum
“The Rose and the Butterfly” Aesop’s fable features a unique portrayal of the law of attraction and manifestation methods. The failure of the two being’s to embody their desires acts as a disruptor to their love, alternatively, an obstruction to what they desire most—each other. The fable is only a…
Mimosa Pudica
2.3.25 Behind closed doors. I feel safe within confinement. Freedom of judgment means freedom of error. Freedom from correction. I think what holds me back from being my most authentic self, and living in that truth, is the fear of being told that self that is incomplete, incorrect, or to…