I watched Paris is Burning and my world made sense. It perfectly exemplifies how race, class, gender, and sexuality work together to create a culture. I understand that my blackness is rich, deep and historical. We are interdimensional, interconnected beings personified through art, and our art births generations. It gave…
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Literary Catharsis
Oftentimes writing is a form of catharsis for me, so sometimes I don’t know exactly what I mean when I write, because I just write what I feel. That’s not to say my writing is meaningless, that’s far from the truth. It’s moreso that I don’t know the meaning until…
Vivienne Westwood: Mother of Punk
While I’ve always admired Vivienne Westwood for her iconic designs, it’s her dedication to activism—particularly regarding the climate crisis—that truly inspires me. She was the embodiment of punk, and I hope that revolutionary spirit of the subculture is never lost. I’ve gone down a rabbit hole, watching her TED Talks,…
Nature Abhors a Vaccum
“The Rose and the Butterfly” Aesop’s fable features a unique portrayal of the law of attraction and manifestation methods. The failure of the two being’s to embody their desires acts as a disruptor to their love, alternatively, an obstruction to what they desire most—each other. The fable is only a…
Mimosa Pudica
2.3.25 Behind closed doors. I feel safe within confinement. Freedom of judgment means freedom of error. Freedom from correction. I think what holds me back from being my most authentic self, and living in that truth, is the fear of being told that self that is incomplete, incorrect, or to…
Tulips into Tourniquets
3.5.23 I build sand citadels out of silt, and slit the ocean in two portions to drink. I close sinkholes. I draft dreamscapes. I make snow people into snow angels, and turn tulips into tourniquets.
Living Abroad in Greece
In my time alone in Greece, I found that people are curious. I realized people are caring. People are empathetic, even if they don’t show it. Conversations are important, and it’s essential that you can start them yourself. Conversations are how we learn about others. By starting conversations, you create…